The productivity and sustainability of your product and service value chains are strongly dependent on the availability, performance and reliability platform facilitated by the facilities. Therefore, your product and service value chain digitalization needs to be completed with facility digitization to ensure the business sustainability and continuity. The productivity and sustainability of the product and service value chains can be maintained when both the process and the facilities those enable the resources and environmental conditions are managed and governed.
Otomatica contributes to your Digital Transformation by digitizing your facility infrastructure with analyzing the impact of the infrastructure systems on your value chain. Data collected from the facility infrastructure will be processed and presented by Otomatica as “Facility Management and Governance Systems” and seamlessly integrated to the Corporate Management Systems whereas the total product and service value chain is digitalized end-to-end.
Sure the companies have their existing infrastructure management systems and platforms such as BMS, PMS, DCIM, MMS. Otomatica, as “Sustainable Infrastructure Digitalization Partner” focuses on product and service value chain productivity and on full integration of the facility infrastructure data and information into corporate management systems. While performing tasks for this goal, all necessary missing systems and items, middleware, software are developed and implemented by Otomatica.